Meet Our Instructors & Staff
Each of our instructors have been trained by Renshi Michael Bunton to teach our students martial arts.
Renshi Michael Bunton
Owner and Head Instructor of Phoenix Martial Arts: Fourth Degree Black Belt
I began my official martial arts training in 1993 studying the styles of Muay Thai kickboxing and Brazilian Jujitsu, and obtaining a black belt in a system the instructor composed. I began teaching classes prior to making black belt asking to help out however I could. Teaching became a big part of my learning process, and this is something I pass along to my students as well.
In 1997, I began my study with American Open Karate (Shuri-ryu) and obtained the rank of 3rd Dan (Third degree black belt). American Open Karate finds its roots in Okinawan Shuri-te (karate) which was brought to America by Robert Trias, founder of Shuri-ryu.
In 2000, I began to study Kung Fu and obtained black belt certifications in Chang Quan (Northern Fist) and Nan Quan (Southern Fist) contemporary Wushu, and went on to learn and incorporate Praying Mantis Kung Fu, Taizu Chang Quan, Eighteen-Arhats Boxing Kylin Fist, Tai Chi, and the many weapons systems that go along with these arts.
Other certifications I hold are in Escrima, Arnis, and Kali.
At Phoenix we teach all these systems in a curriculum we call Take Nami Do.
In 2001, I became a certified Level 2 ropes course facilitator and facilitator trainer for Iredell County Recreation Department and currently with Challenge Towers Aerial Adventure as well. In 2005, I joined the team of Competitive Edge as a Global Leadership Developer. Experiential learning and helping to challenge individuals and teams in physical and metal growth has greatly impacted the way I instruct. This is why we feel we are the best martial arts school around!
It is my hope and desire to pass my lessons on to my students so they may better themselves as a whole and to understand how to use the martial arts as a tool for conflict resolution inside as well as outside.
In my experience, a true master is always a student. There is a quote I like to use to represent this: "Seek those who seek the truth, avoid those who have found it." The path to perfection is an endless one, and as such I continue to learn as well.
Mr. Bridges
Instructor: Purple with black stripe Belt
I have a younger brother that also does martial arts with me. I like to play nerf guns with him. I enjoy helping to tech others. A big brother is a type of teacher, and I have loved helping my brother and the other students. Some of my favorite things are the color green, cooking, and riding bikes and skateboards.